Barbara, Lia, Marianne and Ingrid painting - Marina watching the progress
(pic taken by Guus)
Guus, Ank and Agnes painting, Ingrid watching the progress
Karin and Barbara painting as concentrated as possible in 35°C
Guus meticulously working on the portrait of his brother
Mieke's black girl, such a strong portrait!!
Black girl in the water, a delicate watercolour by Ingrid
Interesting: this is the background of a painting that I'm sure is going to be impressive!
By Agnes - watch this space for the developments...
Guus's portrait - a little bit of tweaking next time and it will surely be finished before our summerbreak
Ingrid started a new, cute painting of a mouse peeping through the leaves...
Lia started with a happy, colourful composition -
in the post about the next session you will see what it actually is...
Ank finished her Palmtree and view on the mountains.
I just discovered that the houses actually look like butterflies! Love them☺
Barbara is nearly finished with her glorious version of the Negresco. It is so good-
one more session and it will be perfect.
The palmtrees, the beach and the soft grass... by Marianne.
I love it! This picture doesn't do it justice, my fault sorry...
And then I visited Amanda, to see her son Luca... It was love on first sight, he is BEAUTIFUL!!
And Amanda is almost back into shape too...